Customized looks just for you by a professional stylist Delivered in a shoppable format, for only $14.99


Tell us your preferences such as theme, style preferences, and budget.
Our stylist browses the web to find you the perfect items for your DIY costume (including revisions).
You buy what you want directly from the mood board and rock Halloween!
Stand out with a costume 100% unique to you!


Meghan was looking for an easy but cute costume at an affordable price.

Our stylist put together this adorable fashion forward version of everyone’s favorite, Minnie.

Jessica was looking to recreate a look from one of her fav characters, Eleven from Stranger Things.

Our stylist put together this effortless look.

Kelli was looking to keep things easy and re-purpose some of her existing closet.

Our stylist put together this custom look to make make this an affordable Halloween.


Will I get to choose what costume I want to have created?

Yes, you can choose your theme or select from our list of ideas.

What sizes do you work with?

We customize the look to you’re size!

What exactly do I receive?

You receive a virtual Halloween outfit that you can shop directly. We do not purchase the clothes on your behalf or send them to you. You get to chose what you buy or simply use it for inspiration!

Your stylist is waiting to put together your perfect look
Starting at only $14.99