At the Hospital

At the Hospital

(Monday, September 2) In the very early hours of the morning, Riley and Kenny arrive at the hospital for Riley's surgery. After getting checked into her room, her doctor introduces himself to them. Dr... more
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Kenny's Surgery
Kenny's Surgery | (Thursday, May 23) Riley and Kenny arrivae at the hospital early in the morning for Kenny's diverticulitis surgery. After his nurses run some tests and get him prepped for surgery, Riley gives him a kiss and goes to wait in the waiting room during his procedure. After 4 hours in surgery, she's able to go sit with him in his recovery room.
After Surgery
After Surgery | (Monday, September 2) 4 hours later, Dr. Melendez is finished with Riley's Laminectomy surgery she had for her spinal stenosis. She's taken back to her room where Kenny and her parents were waiting. After she wakes up from her surgery, Dr. Melendez comes to check on her. Riley's sports medicine doctor, Dr. Andrews also flew down to start discussing her post-op recovery plan. The 2 doctors spend some time answering dozens of questions from Riley's parents and husband before finally leaving her to get some rest. Since she's going to be in the hospital for a few days, her parents go to get some things to make her stay easier, so Kenny can stay with her.
Back in Surgery
Back in Surgery | (Wednesday, September 4) Around 2 a.m. in the morning, one of Riley's nurses comes around to do a routine exam. While running through some tests, Riley realizes she can't move her legs. The nurse calls Dr. Melendez and after a quick exam, he takes Riley back into surgery for another operation to try and fix the problem.
Back From the Hospital
Back From the Hospital | (Friday, May 24) Riley and Ottilie go to the hospital to pick up Kenny and take him home after his final round of tests and observations. After getting discharged, they all head home. Riley helps Kenny get settled into bed since he'll be on bedrest for a while. Later, Riley's mom comes over to stay for a few days to help out with Kenny and Ottilie since Riley has to travel for work. Even though Riley tried to cancel her work trip several times to stay home, Kenny made her promise to go and not cancel her match because of him. A few hours and many tears later, Riley's heading to the airport.
GRWM to go to the hospital
GRWM to go to the hospital | perfect for pregnancy and getting to the hospital
Doctor's Appointment
Doctor's Appointment | (Thursday, July 11) Riley goes with Kenny to his check-up from his surgery 6 weeks ago. After running some tests, Kenny's doctor clears him to end his bed rest and tells him he can return to physical activity.
Morning  runs
Morning runs | for runs in the morning
Doctor's Appointment
Doctor's Appointment | (Tuesday, 4/30) Riley and Kenny travel to Baltimore for Riley's doctor's appointment
morning run
morning run | Ready for a morning run.
Doctor's Appointment
Doctor's Appointment | (Wednesday, July 31) Early in the morning, Riley and Kenny head to a local sports medicine facility where they meet Riley's doctor that flew in from Baltimore for her. After taking a few months off from her PRP treatment for her back injury, Kenny finally convinced her to start going back. Since she's supposed to be at Dynamite later in the day, her doctor agrees to fly to Florida, so she only has to take one flight that day instead of 3. After some scans revealed more damaged tissue around her spine, her doctor recommends a more aggressive treatment, and Riley agrees to it. After a few hours, her doctor writes her a prescription and sends her home to rest for a few hours before her flight.