Abby Drake

Abby Drake

While she was streching she hears a knock on the door she calls out to them to let them know they can come in Abby’s eyes light up when she sees Makayla and Lily she rushes over and hugs them Abby did... more
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Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Abby, Kelly, Hannah and Alex go to LegoLand In Malaysia for a little vacation before Abby’s match on Feb 11 also because is slightly in pain Abby find a Stitch and Toothless lego set
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Even though Abby isn’t medically cleared to travel she gets the ok from her doctor to travel with Will for AEW since it’s Will’s Birthday she bought him a cake but before they could actually eat it Abby smashed the cake in his face since it’s tradition Will laughed about while Abby took a picture of it
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Abby didn’t really expect anything for Valentine’s Day because Will is still in lots of pain from his cage match on Sunday and Abby was also in a little bit of pain but Will surprised her by taking her out to dinner even though she said that they didn’t have to Will kissed her and said too bad darling // I had to do the darling thing sorry it’s such a cute then same with love Brittish people have the best accents//
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Since Abby has been gone the girls got their own dressing room Kaylee and Abby are chilling in the room when McKenna comes into the room Abby called her early that day to meet her both Abby and Kaylee decided to do something different with their hair
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | (Wednesday 6/5) Abby avoids people at work as she makes her way to Tony's office before AEW Dynamite she knocks on the door he calls her in Tony is a little surprised that Abby she sits down and tell her that she just go medically clear to compete Tony smiles and says that great Abby smiled back she says that while she is here she asks about the Owen Hart Tournament Tony asks what about it Abby asks if should could come back to be a surprise entrant to the Tournament Tony thinks about it for a little bit before saying that is a great idea Abby nodded she then shakes his hand and leaves the office going back to her hotel room without being seen
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Abby and Kaylee have a Match against STARS after both Kaylee and Abby brutally attacked Mayu yesterday at WK after Abby’s match with some underhand tatics Abby picks up the pinfall acter hitting Canadian Devil (Stomp then Runing BlockBuster)
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Abby and the girls trip to Malaysia comes to an end while Hannah, Alex and Kelly get on a plane back to Europe Abby catches a plane to Osaka Japan
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | After her match with Mayu Abby wipes off her clown makeup and change into different clothes and heads out to the front row to watch Will’s match against David Finley and Jon Moxley
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Abby goes out with United Empire for their match which was against the War Dogs after the match drew no Contest after it went off the rails Finley was biting Ospreay in front of Abby then he wiped Will’s blood over Abby’s face and in her mouth Abby started coughing up the blood after the battle settled Abby checked on Francesco after he got a fork to the head then Will and Finley made it official on February 11 The United Empire vs The Bullet Club in a steel cage match
Abby Drake
Abby Drake | Abby goes head to head with Kris Statlander for both Abby’s titles aftet a back and forth match Abby hit No Laughing Matter then the Hidden Blade scoring the win Abby’s wins and lose records 7:0 moving her into second place // Not sure if the ranking is right//