

(Tuesday, September 3) After Riley's had some time to rest, Blake and Camilla bring the kids to visit her in the hospital. They spend a few hours together before they go back home since they have scho... more
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Back Home
Back Home | (Sunday, August 1) After flying home from Berlin, Kenny and the Kids pick Riley up from the airport. They head back home and spend the day playing together since Riley's been away for about 2 weeks.
Back From the Hospital
Back From the Hospital | (Friday, May 24) Riley and Ottilie go to the hospital to pick up Kenny and take him home after his final round of tests and observations. After getting discharged, they all head home. Riley helps Kenny get settled into bed since he'll be on bedrest for a while. Later, Riley's mom comes over to stay for a few days to help out with Kenny and Ottilie since Riley has to travel for work. Even though Riley tried to cancel her work trip several times to stay home, Kenny made her promise to go and not cancel her match because of him. A few hours and many tears later, Riley's heading to the airport.
At the Hospital
At the Hospital | (Monday, September 2) In the very early hours of the morning, Riley and Kenny arrive at the hospital for Riley's surgery. After getting checked into her room, her doctor introduces himself to them. Dr. Melendez goes over Riley's surgery plan, and then has her get changed so they can run some pre-op tests and do some scans. After several hours of tests and scans, Kenny has a few minutes with Riley before she's wheeled back to the operating room for her surgery.
back to school
back to school | back to school shopping for kids
Time Together
Time Together | (Thursday, July 4th) After the party is cleaned up, the kids are asleep, and Riley's all packed for her flight early in the morning, she goes to find Kenny in his game room. He asks if she's ready for them to go to bed for the night, but she tells him she wants to spend some time with him before she has to leave again. Even though she's not a gamer, they spend some time having fun playing around with different games before going to bed for the night.
back to school
back to school | time to go back to school
Back Home
Back Home | (Monday 4/8) Riley's flight back home from Philadelphia got delayed and she wasn't able to get home before Mia and Jax went to school. When she does get home around noon, Kenny makes everyone lunch while she catches him up on the last week and spends time with Ella and Ottilie. The four of them eat and play for a few hours before it's time to go get Mia and Jax.
Discharged from the Hospital
Discharged from the Hospital | (Sunday, September 8) After spending almost a whole week in the hospital, Riley has a few more tests her surgeon and sports medicine doctor have her do to see if she can finally go home. After passing each test and outlining her recovery plan with her doctors, Riley's finally discharged from the hospital. Kenny and Mariah pack up her hospital room before taking her back home.
tuesday | tuesday school fit
Back Home
Back Home | (Monday, May 27) After Riley's match at Double or Nothing, Matt & Nick could tell she wasn't happy despite putting on a great match because she was still feeling guilty about leaving Kenny. Since she couldn't be with them for their Anarchy in the Arena match anyway, they talk to TK, and with his help, they get Riley a private flight so she can get back home faster. Before the pay-per-view is even over she's on a flight back home to Florida. She lands in the early hours of the morning and is crawling into bed next to her husband just as the sun begins to rise.